Name of the Society: The name of the Society shall be: “Institute of computer tally organisation”
(A Society registered under the Society Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi)
1. Working Area – National Level
- To work for the betterment of health, education and economy of tribal people and liquidation of their finish Products.
- To create market for products of tribal people
- To acquire govt. forest land for plantation,
- To develop and spread the idea of friendship and fraternity among the people.
- To work on ancient science and create astrology dab.
- To educate the people for adopting the good norms of a good citizen and to work for spreading the ideas of nationality among the people.
- To work for Environmental Protection, Forestation, Plantation, Waste Land Management.
- To work for disaster mitigation and run an international campaign to protect earth from global warming and its consequences
- To find against female feticide and to work for woman empowerment in all aspects of life.
- To promote cottage industries, Khadi, and traditional handicrafts and to establish production and research centre for eco-friendly goods and garments and to uplift poor woman artisans.
- To publish newspaper, magazine, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, science, crafts and other allied works/collections of works of arts for instruction and imparting useful knowledge.
- To hold exhibitions and shows for various welfare progammes.
- To open and run, educational and vocational school or institution to bring education within the reach of poor & backward children, in the National Territory of India.
- To raise the voice against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
- To educate the people for adopting the good norms of a good citizen and to work for spreading the ideas of nationality among the people.
- To work for uplifting status of the women in the society. To work against dowry system and to raise voice against the victimization of girl/women by anybody in the society due to dowry related things.
- To raise quotation related to common market entrust.
- To provide ‘libraries’ publish books on educational. Cultural & social subjects, organize discussions & seminars to impart knowledge & understanding amongst the people.
- To organize religious camps for spreading good living habits, moral values, Indian culture, methods of developing self confidence etc and to create religious centre for the above activities.
- To provide hostels & residential accommodation that may be considered necessary for the student & for each member of the staff that may be made eligible for it.