Welcome to ICTO

A ISO 9001:2015 certified organization

Education at it’s Best

Offering Certified & Best Technical Education in Himahcal Pradesh - INDIA

Best Vocational Courses

Our courses are sponsored by Govt. of India & State Govt.

Be our study center

Impart Quality Education with ICTO

Nursery Teacher Training

Providing professional Nursery Teacher Training Course in Himachal

Yoga Teacher Training

Learn the art of pure and true Yoga and teach Yoga

Welcome to ICTO

Your one stop education center for a better tomorrow..

Established in 2008, with specific aim to conduct state of the art IT Training primarily for poor & unemployed boys and girls for rural & urban areas to impart quality computer education in the field of Information Technology. ICTO has established itself as a premier educational institution in all districts of Himachal Pradesh and has dedicated itself to the cause of imparting quality education since its inception.

Join us to make the future bright..

Indian Federation of Yoga

भारत सरकार द्वारा संचलित व्यायामशाला, सहकारी एवं सरकारी सभी श्क्षणिक सस्ंथानो में योगा ट्रेनर अनिवार्ये करने की तैयारी शुरू हो गई है| योग के क्षे़त्र में सुनहरे भविष्य के लिए स्वरोजगार तथा सरकारी नौकरी के लिए भी कोर्स चलाए जा रहे है|

राष्ट्रीय आयुष मिशन योजना के अंतर्गत संपूर्ण भारत में योगा वैलनेस सेंटर खोले जाने हेतु योगा इंस्ट्रक्टर भर्ती में भी यह कोर्स मान्य है। इंडियन फेडरेशन आफ योगा के साथ मिल कर अपना सेंटर भी चला सकते हैं |

For More Details Contact us: Mobile No. 86288-83626

A look at our Courses

Computer Courses

ICTO offers various professional hardware, software, accounting and networking courses that are duly certified by Govt. of India, deptt of Technical Education.


Short Term Courses

Introducing for the first time in Himachal, Beautician and Styling course by experts in this area, we offer beautician courses backed by professionals in makeup and styling.


cutting and sweing course in himachal pradesh

Accounting / Tally Courses

Master accounting and get a handsome job with our professional Accounting course with Tally software. We have 20 years of experience in teaching accounting with Tally.


Vocational Courses

Learn the art of dress designing with our state of the art Cutting & Sewing course that is sponsored by Govt. of Himachal as "Learn & Earn" schemes.


Words from our M.D

Dnesh ICTOHello Friends.

Institute of Computer Tally Organisation (ICTO) to brings out your dreams to close reality in professional life and skills. In the area of science and technology, computer education is the integral part of every profession.

I am confident with the programs and courses, our effort is to make it choice matter, widely available for mass rather than just focusing to a particular section of society.

Mr. Dinesh Kumar, (Founder & Director) ICTO

Recent ICTO Activities